Michelle LaRowe
Michelle has over 30 years of experience in the nanny industry as a credentialed and award-winning nanny, non-profit executive director, nanny placement agency owner, and parenting author. Michelle enjoys her work in the nanny industry and is passionate about empowering parents and nannies to be the best that they can be and ensuring that children cared for by nannies receive the best possible care.
As Featured IN:

Nanny of the Year
Michelle is an International Nanny Association Credentialed Nanny and award-winning Nany. In 2004, she was the International Nanny Association Nanny of the Year award recipient and in 2023, she received an INA Service Award pin for 30 years of service in the in-home childcare industry.
For over 25 years Michelle has been a leader in the in-home childcare industry. She specializes in working with parents regarding their childcare choices and parenting skills, training nannies, and educating parents, nannies and the media on the best practices in nanny care.

Freelance Writing

Nanny Training

Michelle empowers parents to take back the reigns to create less stress and mess in their families. From coaching parents of multiples, to helping busy, working moms get the sleep they need, Michelle’s straight up approach yields lasting results.
What They Say

Tom Breedlove

Samantha Ettus, PhD

Stella Reid
Michelle’s Featured Books
With her straight talk and practical approach, Michelle empowers parents to be the best they can be. Look for her featured books in a bookstore near you or order online at Amazon.com.

Nanny to the Rescue Again!

Nanny to the Rescue!